Index #1 – People – A thru B

Indexed by last name

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A, B

Example: 23/3 = Vol. 23, No. 3


Abrahams, Esther; Esther Abrahams: From Petty Criminal to Australian Aristocrat; Australia; Suzanne D. Rutland; 50/1

Abrahamsohn, Abraham; Interesting Accounts of the Travels of Abraham Abrahamsohn, Part I; San Francisco; Abraham Abrahamsohn; 1/3

Abrahamsohn, Abraham; Interesting Accounts of the Travels of Abraham Abrahamsohn, Part II; Mexico; Abraham Abrahamsohn; 1/4

Abrahamsohn, Abraham; Interesting Accounts of the Travels of Abraham Abrahamsohn, Part III; Australia; Abraham Abrahamsohn; 2/1

Abrahamsohn, Abraham; Interesting Accounts of the Travels of Abraham Abrahamsohn, Part IV; Australia; Abraham Abrahamsohn; 2/2

Abrams, Albert; Dr. Albert Abrams: San Francisco, 1863–1924; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1

Abrams, Hannah; Conversion and Marriage in San Francisco in 1859; San Francisco; 5/1

Adelberg Family; The Adelbergs: Homesteading the Peace, British Columbia, 1906–1916; British Columbia; Sarah H. Tobe; 37 3&4

Adler, Lewis; My Father was Born a Jew; Northern California; Adam W. Adler; 6/4

Alexander, David; David Alexander: Jewish Pioneer Merchant in Watsonville, California; Northern California; Victoria Fisch; 49/1

Alexander, Moses; The First Jewish Governor: Moses Alexander of Idaho; Idaho; Arthur Weyne; 9/1

Allman, Jessie; Jessie Allman, 1902–1989: An Oral History; British Columbia; Ronnie Tessler and Irene Dodek; 42/4

Alschuler, Samuel G.; Lincoln and Samuel G. Alschuler; Illinois; Al Alschuler; 11/2

Alverson, Margaret Blake; Margaret Blake Alverson: Gentile in a Jewish Choir; San Francisco; Jonathan L. Friedmann; 44/2

Amado, Maurice; Maurice Amado and the Amado Foundation; Los Angeles; edited by William M. Kramer; 28/4

Ancker, Albert; Albert Ancker: Report of an Interview with Mrs. Vivian Horkheimer, 149 S. Spalding, Beverly Hills, California, April 24, 1969; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 41/3

Ancker, Albert; A Southern California Engagement, 1887; Southern California; 21/2

Ancker, Albert; An Ode to Albert Ancker of Tehachapi; Southern California; George J. Fogelson; 17/4

Ancker, Henrietta; The Charitable Jewish Ladies of San Bernardino and their Woman of Valor, Henrietta Ancker; Southern California; Norton B. Stern; 13/4

Andrews, Abraham; Colonel Abraham Andrews: Soldier, Jeweler, Philanthropist, San Francisco, California; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1

Anfenger Family; The Anfengers of Colorado; Colorado; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3

Anker, Rudolph; Rudolf Anker: San Bernardino Pioneer; Southern California; George J. Fogelson; 17/2

Anspacher, Abram; Abram Anspacher: “Old Man Benevolent” Hay and Grain Merchant, San Francisco and Livermore; Northern California; Norton B. Stern; 41/1

Anspacher, Carolyn; Carolyn Anspacher: Actress, Journalist, San Francisco, Livermore, California, 1907–1979; Northern California; Norton B. Stern; 41/1

Anspacher, Carolyn; Six Pioneer Women of San Francisco; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 30/2

Anspacher, Carolyn; Susan Levy, Corrine S. Koshland, Mary Goldsmith Prag, Amelia Dannenberg and Carolyn Anspacher: Five Pioneer Jewish Women of San Francisco; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 35/3&4

Appel, Nathan Benjamin; Fifty-four Years on the Southwest Frontier: Nathan Benjamin Appel in New Mexico, Arizona and Southern California; Southwest; Blaine P. Lamb; 16/2

Arndt, Alfred; Alfred Arndt: “Hazzen,” Cantor, Rabbi, “Reverend,” of Early Los Angeles; Los Angeles; Jonathan L. Friedmann; 49/1

Arnstein, Flora Jacobi; A Girl and Her Grandparents; San Francisco; Flora Jacobi Arnstein; 13/3

Arnstein, Flora Jacobi; Flora Arnstein Remembers the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake-Fire, 1906: A 1986 Interview; San Francisco; Blake Green; 27/3

Arnstein, Flora Jacobi; Flora Jacobi Arnstein: Musician, Educator and Poet, San Francisco, California; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1

Axelrod, Ray; Gluckfeld-Axelrod: An Orthodox Wedding, San Francisco, California, February 14, 1900; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 26/2, 41/1

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Babow, Irving; Doing Time at the Palace; San Francisco; Irving Babow; 13/4

Ballin, Hugo; Hugo Ballin: A Forgotten Artist of Hollywood, Part I; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer; 24/1

Ballin, Hugo; Hugo Ballin: Forgotten Artist of Hollywood, Part II; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer; 24/2

Bamberger, Simon; Simon Bamberger: Jewish Governor of Utah; Utah; edited by S. George Ellsworth; 5/4, 49/2&3

Banning, Phinias; Harris Newmark and Phinias Banning: Los Angeles’ Odd Couple, 1865; Los Angeles; Drian Dervin Dillon; 47/2

Barnett, W. T.; Marriage of a Rabbi’s Daughter: Los Angeles, 1880; Los Angeles; 6/3

Barocas, Nissim Nat; Nissim Nat Barocas (1921–1996): Seattle, Portland, and Los Angeles, an Obituary; Western States; Jack Israel; 28/4

Barth, Jacob; J. Barth and Company: Ira Kahn and Jacob Barth, Stock Brokerage, San Francisco, California, 1910; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1

Bartlett, Washington; Additional Material on California’s Jewish Governor; Northern California; 23/3

Bartlett, Washington; California’s Jewish Governor; Northern California; Norton B. Stern; 5/4, 41/1

Bartlett, Washington; Washington Bartlett: California’s Jewish Governor; Northern California; Norton B. Stern; 28/3

Baruch, Dorothy Walter; Dr. Dorothy Walter Baruch: Child Psychology Pioneer, Los Angeles, California, 1899–1962; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 41/3

Bauman, Morton Adrian; Morton Adrian Bauman: An Obituary; Los Angeles; Alfred Wolf; 29/4

Baer Family; The Baers of Sonora: Report of an Interview with Mr. Julius Baer, 222 E. Summit Avenue, Sonora, California, July 24, 1967; Northern California; Norton B. Stern; 41/4

Bayer, Jerome H.; Jerome H. Bayer: Music and the California Menorah Society; Northern California; Jonathan L. Friedmann; 43/2

Belasco, David; David Balasco: From Frontier to Fame; British Columbia; Sarah H. Tobe; 37/3&4

Belasco, David; David Balasco: Theatrical Producer and Playwright of San Francisco and Victoria; San Francisco and British Columbia; William M. Kramer; 28/3

Belasco, David; David Belasco in San Francisco: The Early Years of a Great Theater Impresario, 1853–1882; San Francisco; Regina Merwin; 43/1

Belkin, Arnold; Sr. Arnold Belkin: Mexican Jewish Artist from Calgary, Canada: A Memoir of the Artist, Part I; Mexico; William M. Kramer; 26/3

Belkin, Arnold; Sr. Arnold Belkin: Mexican Jewish Artist from Calgary; Canada: A Memoir of the Artist, Part II; Mexico; William M. Kramer; 26/4

Bendell, Herman; On the Appointment of Herman Bendell as Superintendent of Indian Affairs of Arizona Territory; Arizona; Monty Jacobs; 24/2

Bendell, Herman; Herman Bendell: Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Arizona Territory, 1871–1873; Arizona; Norton B. Stern; 8/3

Bendell, Herman; Herman Bendell: The Jewish Chief of the Indians of Arizona, 1871–1873; Arizona; Abraham S. Chanin; 31/4

Bendell, Herman; The Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Arizona Territory, Annual Reports, 1871 and 1872; Arizona; Herman Bendell; 22/3

Bendell, Herman; The Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Arizona Territory, Annual Reports, 1871 and 1872; Arizona [continued]; Herman Bendell; 22/4

Benjamin, Fannie; Fannie Benjamin: Elected California State President of the Rebeccas in 1896; California; Norton B. Stern; 41/3

Berg, Emanuel M.; Emanuel M. Berg: “The Mistake on the Lease,” San Francisco, California, 1817–1855; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1

Berg, Karoline Uhlfelder; Karoline Uhfelder Berg: San Francisco’s First Jewish Mother; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1

Bergel, Siegmund; Siegmund Bergel: Educator and “Grand Organizer,” San Bernardino, California, 1844–1921; Southern California; Norton Stern; 41/4

Berger, Samuel; The 1904 Olympic Games Heavyweight Boxing Champion; San Francisco; Jack Fiske; 16/4

Bergerman, Jake; Jake Bergerman: In the Colorado Territory and the Land of the Mormons; Colorado and Utah; Jack Sullivan and Victoria Fisch; 46/1

Berman, Frank; Frank Berman: Leading Merchant of Coalinga, California; Northern California; Norton B. Stern; 41/4

Bernheim, Abraham; Notes on an Unusual Interview, Made at a Session with Mr. H. Monroe Bernheim, 673 S. Burlington Avenue, Los Angeles, California, August 27, 1967; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 41/3

Bernstein Family; Bernsteins of Baja, California: A Gallery Story; Mexico; 7/2

Bessaroth, Ezra; Selected Annals of Ezra Bessaroth, Seattle’s Rhodesli Congregation; Washington; compiled by William M. Kramer; 29/1

Bibo, Solomon; Jewish Indian Chief; New Mexico; Sandra Lea Rollins; 1/4, 49/2&3

Bibo, Solomon; Leroy Bibo and Mrs. Max Bibo: Children of Solomon and Juana Bibo, San Francisco, California, February 21, 1969; New Mexico; Norton B. Stern; 41/1

Bibo, Solomon; Solomon Bibo: San Francisco Merchant and Jewish Indian Chief, Acoma Tribe, New Mexico, 1853–1934; San Francisco and New Mexico; Norton B. Stern; 41/1

Bien, Herman M.; Herman M. Bien: Rabbi, Newspaper Publisher, Legislator, 1831–1895; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1

Bien, Herman M.; Julius Eckman and Herman Bien: The Battling Rabbis of San Francisco, Part I; San Francisco; Reva Clar and William M. Kramer; 15/1

Bien, Herman M.; Julius Eckman and Herman Bien: The Battling Rabbis of San Francisco, Part II; San Francisco; Reva Clar and William M. Kramer; 15/3

Bien, Herman M.; Julius Eckman and Herman Bien; The Battling Rabbis of San Francisco, Part III; San Francisco; Reva Clar and William M. Kramer; 15/4

Bittner Family; The Four Bittner Boys in Fremont, Nebraska, 1929–1938; Nebraska; David Bittner; 42/1

Blackman, Abraham; Abraham Blackman: Jewish Community Leader, 1827–1888; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern, 41/1

Blackstone, William E.; William E. Blackstone (1841–1935): “Zionism’s Greatest Ally Outside of its Own Ranks”; Los Angeles; Paul W. Rood; 48/2

Blake, Albert Edward; The Blake Family of Orange County; Southern California; Dick Blake; 44/3&4

Blank, Philip Max; A Forgotten Founder of the Jewish Homes for the Aging of Greater Los Angeles; Los Angeles; 22/1

Bley, Simon; Simon Bley: Hardware Merchant, San Francisco and Mexico; San Francisco and Mexico; Norton B. Stern; 41/1

Bloch, Achille; Achille Bloch: Meat Purveyor, San Francisco, California; 1855–1912; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1

Bloch, Ernest; Ernest Bloch at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music; San Francisco; Ruth Rafael; 9/3

Blochman, Abraham; Abraham Blochman: Businessman, Banker, and Community Leader, San Francisco, San Diego, and San Louis Obispo, 1834–1915; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1

Blochman, Emanuel; Emanuel Blochman: French-Born Orthodox Activist of San Francisco; San Francisco; Mary R. Hoexter; 20/2

Blochman, Lazar E.; Lazar E. Blochman of San Francisco, Santa Maria and Berkeley; Northern California; David F. Hoexter and Mary R. Hoexter; 13/1

Block, Roy; The Oldest Firm in Berkeley: Mannasse-Block Tanning Company, a Picture Story; Northern California; 9/4

Blum, Abraham; The New Your City Police Department Celebrates 100 Years of Jewish Chaplaincy; USA; 44/1

Blum, Abraham; Rabbi Abraham Blum: From Alsace to New York by Way of Texas and California, Part I; Western States; Western States; William M. Kramer and Reva Clar; 12/1

Blum, Abraham; Rabbi Abraham Blum: From Alsace to New York by Way of Texas and California, Part II; Western States; Western States; William M. Kramer and Reva Clar; 12/2

Blum, Abraham; Rabbi Abraham Blum: From Alsace to New York by Way of Texas and California, Part III; Western States; William M. Kramer and Reva Clar; 12/3

Blum, Isidor; Bear Flag Bearer, Isidor Blum; San Francisco; William M. Kramer and Norton B. Stern; 19/1

Blum, Hanna Henriques; Hanna Henriques Blum: Third Rebbitzen of Los Angeles, California; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 41/3

Blumenthal, A. L.; Vindication, Protest and Appeal, 1861; San Francisco; A. L. Blumenthal; 42/1

Bornstein, Hermann; The Hermann Bornstein Family and Morris Moss; British Columbia; Cyril E. Leonoff; 42/4

Borsten, Laura Rapaport; Laura Rapaport Borsten: An Original Officer in the WWII Waves, 1942–1946; Hawaii; compiled by Gladys Sturman; 40/2

Brandenstein, Edward; The Edward Brandenstein – Florine Haas Wedding, San Francisco, 1903; San Francisco; Lionel Heynemann; 15/2

Brandenstein, Henry U.; Henry U. Brandenstein of San Francisco; San Francisco; David G. Dalin and John F. Rothmann; 18/1

Brandenstein, Henry U.; Henry U. Brandenstein: Political “Intellectual,” San Francisco, California, 1868–1940; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1

Brandenstein, Henry U., and May Brandenstein; Memories of My Parents: Henry U. and May Colman Brandenstein; San Francisco; Susan B. Park; 19/1

Brandenstein, Jane Rosenbaum; Jane Rosebaum Brandenstein: “Like the Hills and the Sea,” San Francisco, California, 1836–1904; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1

Brandenstein, Joseph; Joseph Brandenstein: Philanthropist, San Francisco, California, 1850–1910; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1

Brandon, Joseph R.; Protest Against Sectarian Texts in California Schools in 1875; San Francisco; Joseph R. Brandon; 20/3

Brandon, Joseph R.; Brandon’s Protests Against Sectarian Texts in California Schools in 1875; San Francisco; Joseph R. Brandon; 28/3

Brandon, Joseph R.; Three Jewish-Activist Lawyers of Nineteenth Century California: Solomon Heydenfeldt (1816–1890), Henry Jacob Labatt (1832–1900), and Joseph R. Brandon (1828–1916); California; William M. Kramer; 45/3

Brandon, Joseph R.; Joseph R. Brandon: Activist Lawyer; San Francisco; William M. Kramer; 23/1, 28/3

Bransten, Edward; Edward Bransten: MJB Coffee and Tea Merchant, San Francisco, California, 1870–1948; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1

Bransten, Edward; Edward Bransten House, San Francisco, California; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1

Braunhart, Samuel; Samuel Braunhart: Politician and Businessman, San Francisco, California, 1848–1906; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1

Brin, Herb; Herb Brin: The Autobiography of a Western Jewish Journalist, 1915–2003; Los Angeles; 39/2

Brin, Herb; Herb Brin: Of Man and Memory, 1915–2003; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer; 36/1

Britt, May; How I Got to Officiate at the Wedding of Sammy Davis Jr. and May Britt; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3

Broder Family; Los Angeles Broders: A Picture Story; Los Angeles; 13/3

Brooks, Fanny; The Fanny Brooks Quilt; Utah; Andrea Kalinowski; 35/3&4

Brower, Martin A.; My Four Decades in Orange County; Southern California; Martin A. Brower; 44/3&4

Brown, Emanuel; About Emanuel Brown; Southern California; Elaine Morhar; 30/4

Brown, Joseph; Joseph Brown: The Deadly Errand of a Pacific Northwest Jewish Pioneer, 1862; Pacific Northwest; Julia Niebuhr Eulenberg; 45/1

Brownstein, Charles; A Baby’s Grave: Lone Reminder of the Brownstein Family in Northern California; Northern California; Muriel Weissberg; 23/1

Brownstein, Charles; Update to “A Baby’s Grave,” of WSJH: October 1990; Northern California; Muriel Weissberg; 23/3

Brumi, Moses; From a Polish Town to Gold Rush California; Northern California; Moses Brumi; 17/1

Bruml, Lena Levinsky; Lena Levinsky Bruml of Jackson, California: A Few Notes from Mrs. Lena Levinsky Bruml (1830) by Her Daughter Mrs. Amelia Bruml Daley (1861–1940), Lockeford, California; Northern California; Amelia Bruml Levy; 41/4

Bruml, Moses; The Perilous Journeys of Moses Bruml: Lockeford, California, 1823–1901; Northern California; Moses Bruml; 41/4

Brunn, Harold; The Brunn’s of San Francisco and Harold Brunn, M.D., San Francisco, California, 1874–1950; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1

Buck, Pearl S.; Out of China: Pearl S. Buck’s Solution to the Jewish Problem; China; David Bittner; 26/1

Bush, Isidor; Remembering Isidor Bush: Pioneer St. Louis Jewish Community Leader, Publisher, Patriot; Missouri; Burton Boxerman; 29/3

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