Indexed by last name
A – B C – D E – F G – H I – J K L M
N – O P – Q – R S T – U – V W – X – Y – Z
C, D
Example: 23/3 = Vol. 23, No. 3
Cahan, Hippolyte, and Adelaide Ann Meyerholtz; The Historic Cahen House, Anaheim; Southern California; 44/3&4
Callahan, “Mushy”; “Mushy” Callahan: Jewish Fighter of Boyle Heights; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Cantor, Eddie; Eddie Cantor: Hollywood Jewish Activist; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer; 24/3
Cardozo, Isaac Nunez; Isaac Nunez Cardozo, Western “Grandee”; San Francisco; Gene H. Rosenblum; 19/4, 28/3
Carvalho, Jacob Solis; Son of Solomon Nunes Carvalho; San Francisco; Robert S. Zuckerman; 8/2
Carvalho, Solomon Nunes; Picture Story Number Sixteen: Carvalho’s Painting of Wakar, Chief of the Utes; Los Angeles; 7/2
Carvalho, Solomon Nunes; Solomon Nunes Carvalho Helped in Founding the Los Angeles Jewish Community; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer; 28/4, 38/3&4
Caspar, Harris; Harris Caspar and Tan Rotchild: Two Murder Victims Buried in Los Angeles in the New Jewish Cemetery, 1855 and 1863; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern and William M. Kramer; 38/3&4
Caspar, Harris; Murder Victim’s Burial in Los Angeles, 1855; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern and William M. Kramer; 9/1
Castle, Frederick Levy; Frederick Levy Castle: Mount Zion Philanthropist, San Francisco, California, 1830–1893; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1
Cave, Daniel; Daniel Cave: First Doctor of Dentistry, San Diego, California, 1846–1936; Southern California; Norton B. Stern; 41/4
Cave, Daniel; Daniel Cave: San Diego’s Jewish Dentist and Land Baron; Southern California; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Cave, Daniel; Daniel Cave: Southern California Pioneer Dentist, Civic Leader, and Masonic Dignitary; Southern California; William M. Kramer; 9/2
Cerf, Aaron; My Ancestor, Aaron Cerf: Northern California Jewish Merchant; Northern California; Dawn Cerf; 25/1
Chaikin, Judy Hurwitz; The Character of Boyle Heights Was Richly Varied; Los Angeles; Judy Hurwitz Chaikin; 43/3&4
Chaplin, Charlie; Picture Story Number Twelve: Charlie Chaplin in Boyle Heights; Los Angeles; 6/2
Chico, Mannasse; Mannasse Chico: Enlightened Merchant of San Diego; Southern California; Audrey R. Karsh; 8/1
Choynski, Harriet Ashim; Harriet Ashim Choynski: An 1850 Western Arrival; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 24/3, 35/3&4
Choynski, Harriet Ashim; Harriet Ashim Choynski: Hebrew School Teacher, San Francisco, California, 1842–1927; San Francisco; Norton Stern; 41/1
Choynski, Harriet Ashim; Two Letters to Harriet Choynski from Isidor N. Choynski and Julius Eckman; San Francisco; Isidor N. Choynski and Julius Eckman; 7/1
Choynski, Isidor N.; Isidor Nathan Choynski: Foremost Western Jewish Journalist of the 19th Century, San Francisco, California, 1834–1899; San Francsico; Norton B. Stern; 41/1
Choynski, Isidor N.; A “January and May” Scandal of 1861; San Francisco; Isidor N. Choynski; 13/2
Choynski, Isidor N.; The San Francisco Journalism of I. N. Choynski, Part I; San Francisco; Robert Singerman; 29/2
Choynski, Isidor N.; The San Francisco Journalism of I. N. Choynski, Part II; San Francisco; Robert Singerman; 29/3
Choynski, Isidor N.; The San Francisco Journalism of I.N. Choynski, Part III; San Francisco; Robert Singerman; 29/4
Choynski, Isidor N.; Two Letters to Harriet Choynski from Isidor N. Choynski and Julius Eckman; San Francisco; Isidor N. Choynski and Julius Eckman; 7/1
Choynski, Isidor N.; Wayward Etchings: I. N. Choynski Visits Southern California, 1881; Southern California; I. N. Choynski; 11/2
Choynsky, Isidor N.; What’s in a Name?; San Francisco; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Choynsky, Joe; Joe Choynski’s Combative Clan; San Francisco; Christopher J. LaForce; 46/1
Chyet, Stanley; Farewell to Another Jewish Historian: Stanley Chyet, 1931–2002; Los Angeles; Gladys Sturman; 35/2
Clar, Henry Jacob; Colorado Homesteader and Los Angeles Investor: A Picture Story; Western States; 14/4
Clar, Reva; Reva Howitt Clar, 1906–1997; California; 30/1
Clar, Reva; Pavlova and Me: A Memoir; San Francisco; Reva Clar; 11/4
Clar, Willie; Willie “Young Abe Attell” Clar: A Picture Story; Los Angeles; 22/2
Clar Family; Clars of Colorado and California: A Picture Story; Western States; 12/3
Clever, Charles; The Frontier Career of Charles Clever, New Mexico Territory, 1830–1874; New Mexico; Floyd S. Fierman; 35/1
Coblentz, Lazard; Lazard Coblentz: “Whiskeyman,” Pokerville, California to Portland, Oregon; Northern California and Oregon; Jack Sullivan and Victoria Fisch; 45/4
Coblentz Brothers; The Coblentz Brothers – David, Gustave, Joseph, Lambert, Felix, and Samuel: Gold Rush Country Merchants; Northern California; Norton B. Stern; 41/4
Coffee, Joe; Denver’s Legendary Joe “Awful” Coffee: 1904–1994, an Obituary; Colorado; Hillel Goldberg; 28/1
Coffee, Joe; The Life and Times of Denver’s Joe “Awful” Coffee; Colorado; Chris Leppek; 28/1
Cohen; Azriel; Sukkah in India: Back from Buddha, Azriel Cohen’s Outreach; India; Andrea Jacobs; 31/1
Cohen, Henry; Galveston Immigration Movement: A 1909 Report; Texas; Henry Cohen; 26/4
Cohen, Henry; Memories of Rabbi Henry Cohen as I Knew Him; Texas; Marguerite Meyer Marks; 18/2
Cohen, Henry; Rabbi Henry Cohen of Galveston: A 1931 Account; Texas; David B. Albert; 26/4
Cohen, Isaac; Isaac Cohen: Southern California Merchant, Local Politico, Federal Official, 1848–1930; Southern California; Norton B. Stern; 36/3, 44/3&4
Cohen, Isador; The Life of Tzedakah: Isador Cohen of Sacramento; Northern California; Norton B. Stern; 4/1
Cohen, Mickey; The Assassination Attempt on Mickey Cohen and the Subsequent Fallout, 1949–1950; Los Angeles; Ralph Sparrow; 34/3
Cohen, Mickey; Mickey Cohen, 1914–1976: Los Angeles’ Jewish Crime Boss; Los Angeles; Mark Gribben; 38/1
Cohen, Morris Abraham; General Two-Gun Cohen: Morris Abraham Cohen, the Chinese Connection, 1887–1970, Part I; China; E. P. Stein; 32/1
Cohen, Morris Abraham; General Two-Gun Cohen: Morris Abraham Cohen, the Chinese Connection, 1887–1970, Part II; China; E. P. Stein; 32/2&3
Cohen, Nat; Nat Cohen: A Hit from the Start; San Francisco; Stanley F. Chyet; 26/3
Cohn, Abram; Abram Cohn: First Indian Art Patron of Dat-So-La-Lee, Carson City, Nevada; Nevada; Norton B. Stern; 41/4
Cohn, Abram; Abram Cohn of Carson City, Nevada: Patron of Dat-So-La-Lee; Nevada; Norton B. Stern; 15/4
Cohn, Bernard; Bernard Cohn: Miner, Merchant, Civic Leader, 1835–1889; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 38/3&4
Cohn, Bernard; First Jew to Run for Mayor of Los Angeles; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 12/3
Cohn, Elkan; Rabbi Elkan Cohn: “Eminent and Accomplished,” San Francisco, California; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1
Cohn, Frederick; Frederick Cohn: Omaha’s Reform Rabbi, 1904–1940; Nebraska; David B. Dittmer; 45/3
Cohn, Kaspare; Kaspare Cohn: A Man Who Helped Make Southern California, Part I; Southern California; William M. Kramer; 23/3
Cohn, Kaspare; Kaspare Cohn: A Man Who Helped Make Southern California, Part II; Southern California; William M. Kramer; 23/4
Cohn, Kaspare; Kaspare Cohn: Notes from a Session with Edwin J. Loeb, Los Angeles, California, June 21, 1967; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 41/3
Cohn, Kaspare; A Tribute to Kaspare Cohn; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Cohn, Mark M.; Mark M. Cohn’s Account of the San Francisco Earthquake-Fire of 1906; San Francisco; Mark M. Cohn; 27/3
Cohn, Morris; The Cohn-Goldwater Company: Famous for Cole of California Swimsuits and Boss Brand Work Clothing, Los Angeles, California; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 41/3
Cohn, Morris; Picture Story Number Eleven: Cohn-Goldwater Building; Los Angeles; 6/1
Cohn, Morton J.; Rabbi Morton J. Cohn, San Diego, California, 1910–1991: An Archival Journey; San Diego; Bonnie Mae Harris; 35/2
Cohn, Phillip; The Cohn Mansion, Folsom, California; Northern California; Wray Barrows; 1/1
Cole, Sylvan; Memories of an 1890’s Pomona Boyhood; Los Angeles; Sylvan Cole; 11/4
Copeland, Jack I.; Jack I. Copeland: Want-to-be Cowboy, 1903–1975; Los Angeles; Jack L. Copeland; 31/1
Copeland, Lillian; Lillian Copeland: An Olympic Track and Field Champion; Los Angeles; Eli Sherman and Joe Siegman; 33/1
Copeland, Lillian; Lillian Copeland Speaks Out on the Olympics: Los Angeles, 1932, Berlin 1936; Los Angeles; Paul Soifer; 38/1
Croll, David Arnold; Canada’s Jewish Minister, David Arnold Croll, Awarded Cabinet Post in Liberal Sweep, 1934; Canada; Abner Philipson; 31/1
Cotton, Fern Elizabeth Sanders; Fern Elizabeth Sanders Cotton: The Wyoming Years, 1917–1938; Wyoming; Arnold Massion; 40/2
Cougars, Harry; “Gizzy” Hart and the Victoria Cougars Stanley Cup Champions of 1925; British Columbia; Cyril E. Leonoff; 36/3
Currick, Max C.; Visitor’s Report on Los Angeles and San Francisco in 1937; Los Angeles and San Francisco; Max C. Currick; 13/1
Cytron, Otto; Otto Cytron and Family: Report of an Interview with Leo P. Cytron, 2249 Benedict Canyon Drive, Beverly Hills, California, January 5, 1967; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 41/3
Dale, Charlie; Smith and Dale: Kaddish on the Road on the Orpheum Circuit, 1923–24; Western States; Joe Smith (Joseph Sultzer); 33/3
D’Ancona, David A.; An Answer to Anti-Semitism: San Francisco, 1883; San Francisco; David A. D’Ancona; 8/1, 28/3
D’Ancona, David A.; David A. D’Ancona; 1827–1908: A Sephardic B’nai B’rith Leader and His Family; San Francisco; William M. Kramer; 28/3
D’Anconda, David A.; A Pioneer San Francisco Leader of Sephardic Origin; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 20/2
D’Ancona, David; Sephardic B’nai B’rith Leader: David D’Ancona; San Francisco; William M. Kramer; 21/4
Danielewicz, Joseph, Gustave Danielewicz, and Julius Danielewicz; The Danielewicz Store of Mokelumne Hill, California; Northern California; Victoria Fisch 44/1
Dannenberg, Amelia; Amelia Dannenberg: Jewish Woman Entrepreneur, San Francisco, California, 1829–1913; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1
Dannenberg, Amelia; Six Pioneer Women of San Francisco; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 30/2
Dannenberg, Amelia; Susan Levy, Corrine S. Koshland, Mary Goldsmith Prag, Amelia Dannenberg and Carolyn Anspacher: Five Pioneer Jewish Women of San Francisco; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 35/3&4
Danoff Family; Indian Traders of the Southwest: The Danoffs of New Mexico; New Mexico; Hyman O. Danoff; 12/4
Danzinger, Gustav Adolf; Adolphe Danzinger de Castro: Publications and References; Los Angeles; Christopher A. Powell; 28/4
Danzinger, Gustav Adolf; The First President of the Los Angeles Communidad: Gustav Adolf Danziger Becomes Adolphe de Castro; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer; 28/4
Danziger, Gustav Adolf; The Jew in San Francisco: The Last Half Century, 1849–1860; San Francisco; 36/2
Danziger Family; The First Triplets Born in the West, 1867; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 19/4
Dat-So-La-Lee; Abram Cohn: First Indian Art Patron of Dat-So-La-Lee, Carson City, Nevada; Nevada; Norton B. Stern; 41/4
Dat-So-La-Lee; Abram Cohn of Carson City, Nevada: Patron of Dat-So-La-Lee; Nevada; Norton B. Stern; 15/4
Davidson, Herman; Early Stockton Jewry and Its Cantor-Rabbi Herman Davidson (Part I); Northern California; Reva Clar; 5/2, 48/3&4
Davidson, Herman; Early Stockton Jewry and Its Cantor-Rabbi Herman Davidson (Part II); Northern California; Reva Clar; 5/3, 48/3&4
Davidson, Herman; Herman Davidson: Pioneer Rabbi of Stockton, California, Notes Made at a Session with Mrs. Charles (Reva) Clar, 1933 No. New Hampshire, Los Angeles, California, July 29, 1967; Northern California; Norton B. Stern; 41/4
Davies, Benjamin; Benjamin Davies: Cantor and Jeweler of Leadville, Colorado; Colorado; Jonathan L. Friedmann; 49/4
Davis, Daniel; Daniel “Coffee Dan” Davis: Pioneer Jewish Restauranteur, San Francisco, California, 1836–1917; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1
Davis, Don; Don Davis and His Pioneer Family; Nevada; Bob Hattem; 45/4
Davis, Leonard D.; East L.A.—Man; Los Angeles; Leonard “Lenny” D. Davis; 43/3&4
Davis, Jr., Sammy; How I Got to Officiate at the Wedding of Sammy Davis Jr. and May Britt; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
de Cordova, Jacob; Jacob de Cordova: A Jew Deep in the Heart of Texas; Texas; Harold Preece; 29/2
de Solla, J. Mendes; J. Mendes de Solla: Rabbi and Educator; San Francisco; William M. Kramer; 28/3
De Young, M. H.; Parentage and Early Years of M. H. De Young: Legend and Fact; San Francisco; Ira Rosenwaike; 7/3
Delmer, George J.; George Jacobinson Delmer: Seaman and Policeman, San Francisco, California, 1861–1937; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1
Delmer, George J.; The Memoirs of George J. Delmer: Seaman and Policeman; San Francisco; 14/3
Delmer, George J.; The Memoirs of George J. Delmer: Seaman and Policeman [Concluded]; Los Angeles; George J. Delmer; 14/4
Deutsch, Monroe Emanuel; Monroe Emanuel Deutsch: Classical Scholar, San Francisco and Oakland, California, 1879–1955; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1
Dinkelspiel, Louis; The Dinkelspiels of Bakersfield and More: Report of an Interview with Mrs. Joseph B. Reber, 738 Desoto Drive, Palo Alto, California, July 18, 1968; Northern California; Norton B. Stern; 41/4
Director, Hannah; Hannah Director’s Album of Memories; British Columbia; Sarah H. Tobe; 37/3&4
Disney, Walt; The Walt Disney and Orange County I knew; Southern California; Marty Sklar; 44/3&4
Drachman, Philip, and Samuel H. Drachman; Philip and Samuel H. Drachman and the Goldberg Brothers: Arizona Pioneers; Arizona; Floyd S. Fierman; 31/2&3
Drachman, Rosa K.; From New York to Tucson in 1868; Arizona; Rosa K. Drachman; 22/1
Drachman, Samuel; Samuel Drachman: Arizona Pioneer; Arizona; 20/1
Dreben, Sam; Sam Dreben, D.S.C.: The Fighting Jew, 1878–1925; Texas; Martin Zielonka; 44/1
Dreyfus, Benjamin; Benjamin Dreyfus: Anaheim, California Vintner, 1825–1886; Southern California; Gladys Sturman; 36/4, 44/3&4
Dreyfus, Benjamin; Benjamin Dreyfus: Wine Tycoon, Anaheim and San Francisco, California, 1824–1886; Southern California and San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/4
Dreyfus, Benjamin; The Wine Country Tycoon of Anaheim; Southern California; Norton B. Stern and William M. Kramer; 9/3, 44/3&4
Durkheimer Family; The Durkheimers of Oregon: A Picture Story; Oregon; Michele Glazer; 10/3
Dyer, Leon; Leon Dyer: Baltimore and San Francisco Jewish leader; San Francisco; Ira Rosenwaike; 9/2