Indexed by last name
A – B C -D E – F G – H I – J K L M
N – O P – Q – R S T – U – V W – X – Y – Z
Example: 23/3 = Vol. 23, No. 3
Labatt, Abraham Cohen; Abraham Cohen Labatt; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern and William M. Kramer; 28/3
Labatt, Henry J.; Henry J. Labatt: Influential Jewish Attorney, San Francisco, California, 1832–1900; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1
Labatt, Henry J.; Henry J. Labatt (1832–1900): Pioneer Lawyer of California and Texas; San Francisco; William M. Kramer; 28/3
Labatt, Henry J.; The Jews in California Commerce, 1856; San Francisco; Henry J. Labatt; 24/2
Labatt, Henry J.; Labatt on the Commercial Position of the Jews in California, 1856; San Francisco; Henry J. Labatt; 29/3
Labatt, Henry J.; Pioneer Lawyer of California and Texas: Henry J. Labatt (1832–1900); Western States; William M. Kramer; 15/1
Labatt, Henry J.; Three Jewish-Activist Lawyers of Nineteenth Century California: Solomon Heydenfeldt (1816–1890), Henry Jacob Labatt (1832–1900), and Joseph R. Brandon (1828–1916); California; William M. Kramer; 45/3
Labatt, Samuel K.; The Final Resting Place of Los Angeles Jewry’s First President; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 18/4
Labatt, Samuel K.; Samuel K. Labatt: Los Angeles Jewry’s First “President,” 1854; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer; 38/3&4
Labatt, Samuel K.; Samuel K. Labatt: Sephardic Founder of the Los Angeles Jewish Community, 1830–1873; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer and Norton B. Stern; 38/3&4
Labatt, Samuel K., and Joseph I. Labatt; Sephardic Founders of the Los Angeles Jewish Community: Samuel K. and Joseph I. Labatt; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer and Norton B. Stern; 28/4
Labatt Family; The Labatts: Joseph and His Brothers; San Francisco; William M. Kramer; 28/3
Labatt Family; The Labatts’ Attack in San Francisco and Los Angeles; California; Norton B. Stern; 28/3
Lafee, Alfred G.; A Rabbinical Tragedy; San Francisco; Kenneth C. Zwerin; 15/2
Landsberg, Frederick; Frederick Landsberg: A Pioneer Indian Art Dealer in Victoria, Canada; British Columbia; Ronald W. Hawker; 23/2
Landsberg, Frederick; Frederick Landsberg: Victoria Humanitarian, 1859–1935; British Columbia; Michael F. H. Halleran; 42/4
Lankershim, Isaac; Isaac Lankershim: Creator of the San Fernando Valley Bread-Basket, 1818–1882; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer and Norton B. Stern; 38/3&4
Lankershim, Isaac; Isaac Lankershim of the San Fernando Valley; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer and Norton B. Stern; 18/1
Lansburgh, Gustave Albert; G. Albert Lansburgh: San Francisco’s Jewish Architect from Panama; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern and William M. Kramer; 13/3
Lansburgh, Gustave Albert; Marcus Benjamin Priteca of Seattle and Gustave Albert Lansburgh of San Francisco: Two Prominent West Coast Jewish Architects of the Early 20th Century; San Francisco; Eugene Normand; 46/4
Lapin, Howard Stanley; War Hero and Distinguished Public Servant: Howard Sidney Lapin; USA; Louise Lapin-Haines; 29/2
Lasker, Morris; Letter from a Texas Pioneer; Texas; Morris Lasker; 15/4
Lasky, Jesse L.; From San Jose to Hollywood: The Rise of Jesse L. Lasky; California; Grace Jaffe; 11/1
Lauer, Emanuel; Emanuel Lauer, 1831–1909, of Alturas, Modoc County: Material Gathered at the California State Library, Sacramento, California, July 21, 1968; Northern California; Norton B. Stern; 41/4
Lauer, Emanuel; The Lauer Family of Modoc County: Report of an Interview with Mr. Raymond Lauer, 1970 8th Avenue, Sacramento, California, April 6, 1969; Northern California; Norton Stern; 41/4
Lavenson, Albert S.; Albert S. Lavenson: Merchandising Wizard, Sacramento, and Oakland, California, 1865–1930; Northern California; Norton B. Stern; 41/1
Lazard, Jeannette; Picture Story Number Three: Jeannette Lazard and Her Los Angeles School, 1885; Los Angeles; Lazard, Jeannette; 4/1, 35/3&4
Lazard, Marks; Marks Lazard: Merchant at the San Gabriel Mission; Southern California; 13/1
Lazard, Solomon; In Praise of Lazard; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Lazard, Solomon; Notes on Solomon Lazard (1826–1916) of Los Angeles, California Made on December 20, 1967; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 41/3
Lazard, Solomon; Solomon Lazard: Major Pioneer of the Infrastructure of Los Angeles, 1826–1916; Los Angeles; Francine Landau; 38/3&4
Lazard, Solomon; Solomon Lazard of Los Angeles; Los Angeles; Francine Landau; 5/3
Lazard, Solomon; Solomon Lazard’s American Citizenship; Los Angeles; 16/1
Lazard Freres; From San Francisco to Paris; San Francisco; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Lazarus, Jr., Edgar; Edgard Lazarus, Jr., 1868–1939: Early Jewish Architect of Portland, Oregon; Oregon; Eugene Normand; 48/1
Lazarus, Pincus; Pincus Lazarus: Report of an Interview with Mr. Arthur P. Lazarus, 930 West Santa Inez Avenue, Hillsborough, California, April 28, 1967; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 41/3
Lazarus, Sylvain J.; Sylvain J. Lazarus: Alaska Merchant; Alaska; Norton B. Stern; 41/4
Lehman, George; Adam and Eve in Los Angeles; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Lehmann, Armand; Armand Lehmann: Report of an Interview with Mrs. Leslie Harris, 3589 Valencia Avenue, San Bernardino, California, December 31, 1967; Southern California; Norton B. Stern; 41/4
Lehmann, Herman; Lehmann, the Indian: Oklahoma, 1870s; Oklahoma; 36/3
Leiser, Simon; Simon Leiser: Principal Merchant of Vancouver Island; British Columbia; Cyril E. Leonoff; 27/4
Leonoff, Cyril; Cyril Edel Leonoff: February 22, 1925–April 7, 2016; British Columbia; 49/1
Leonoff, Cyril; Cyril Leonoff: British Columbia Historian; British Columbia; David Ferman; 26/3
Lesem, Marx, and Alex Nesem; Marx and Alex Lesem of San Diego: Father and Son in the Health Field; Southern California; Henry Schwartz; 20/2
Lesser, Isaac; Letters of 1852 to 1864 Sent to Rabbi Isaac Lesser of Philadelphia from the Far West; Western States; William M. Kramer and Norton B. Stern; 20/1
Lesser, Sol; My Experiences During the Earthquake-Fire; San Francisco; Sol Lesser; 13/3, 27/3
Lesser, Sol; Sol Lesser: Pioneer Film Producer, Los Angeles, California, 1890–[1980]; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 41/3
Lesser, Sol; Sol Lesser: San Francisco Earthquake-Fire, 1906; San Francisco; Sol Lesser; 27/3
Lesser, Sol; Sol Lesser and Upton Sinclair: The Record of a Friendship; Los Angeles; Stephen O. Lesser; 12/2
Levason, Lewis; A Dentist in a Gold Rush Town; Northern California; Norton B. Stern; 19/2
Levi, Abraham; Abraham Levi: Father of Victoria Jewry; British Columbia; Robert W. Shook; 9/2
Levi, John Newmark; Down Memory Lane with Our Early Automobiles; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Levi, John Newmark; In Matters of Romance; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Levi, John Newmark; John Newmark Levi, Sr.: The Way We Used to Live, Los Angeles, California, 1910–1925; Los Angeles; John Newmark Levi, Sr.; edited by William M. Kramer; 40/2
Levi, Linda; Growing Up a “Newmark” in Los Angeles, 1935–1950: A Memoir; Los Angeles; Linda Levi; 39/3
Levi, Simon; Material on Simon Levi: San Diego, California, September 1966; Southern California; Norton B. Stern; 41/4
Levi Brothers; The Levi Saga: Temecula, Julian, San Diego; Southern California; Henry Schwartz; 6/3, 48/3&4
Levine, Jack A., Mr. Jack Levine: Report on an Interview, Redlands, California, July 16, 1966; Southern California; Norton B. Stern; 41/4
Levine, Leo; Making the San Fernando Valley Their Home: The Levine Family Moves to Suburbia, 1954; Los Angeles; Abraham Hoffman; 46/1
Levinsky Family; The Family Tree of the Levinskys: Jackson and Oakland, California; Northern California; compiled by Amelia Bruml Daley; 41/4
Levinson, Solomon; Solomon Levinson: From Kid Gloves to Boxing Gloves, 1867–1925; San Francisco; Jeremy G. Frankel and Victoria Fisch; 47/2
Levison, J. B.; J. B. Levison’s 1906 San Francisco Earthquake-Fire Memories; San Francisco; J. B. Levison; 27/3
Levison, Mark, and Bertha Levison; Mark and Bertha Levison: Hangtown and San Francisco, California, and Virginia City, Nevada; Northern California; Norton B. Stern; 41/4
Levite, Moses Family; Levites of Apache, Oklahoma; Oklahoma; 24/4
Levitt, Abraham; Abraham Levitt: San Francisco Earthquake-Fire, 1906; San Francisco; Abraham Levitt; 27/3
Levitt, Abraham; Abraham Levitt’s Impressions of the San Francisco Earthquake-Fire of 1906; San Francisco; Abraham H. Levitt; 5/3
Levy, Abraham; Mr. Levy of Fiji, 1877; Fiji; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Levy, Abraham, and Joe Levy; The Levys: Father and Son, Abraham and Joe, the Compassionate Bankers of Ventura County, California; Southern California; Linda Kern; 34/4
Levy, Achille; A. Levy of the Bank; Southern California; Norton B. Stern and William M. Kramer; 7/2
Levy, Achille; Achille Levy: Report of an Interview with Mrs. Adele Cunningham, 125 North F Street, Oxnard, California, 1967; Southern California; Norton B. Stern; 41/4
Levy, Achille; The Levys of Ventura County: Report of An Interview with Mrs. William M. Waterman, 10706 Lindbrook Drive, Westwood, California, September 3, 1966; Southern California; Norton B. Stern; 41/4
Levy, Al; Al Levy: Notes Made at a Session with Mr. Bob Levy, 172 N. Formosa, Los Angeles, California, February 6, 1967; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 41/3
Levy, Al; Al Levy: Report of an Interview with Mrs. Billy (Martha) Zidell, 180 South Orange, Los Angeles, California, March 3, 1967; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 41/3
Levy, Al: Al Levy’s: Where the Elite Meet to Eat; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Levy, Bob; Session with Al Levy, Los Angeles, 1967; Los Angeles; Norton Stern; 41/3
Levy, Cecilia; One Kohn and Three Levys; Northern California; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Levy, Ceft; Picture Story Number 1: The Cerf Levy Home, Santa Barbara, 1885; Southern California; 3/3
Levy, Daniel; Daniel Levy: Entrepreneur in Mexico; Mexico; 8/4
Levy, Daniel; Daniel Levy: French Jewish Intellectual, San Francisco, California, 1826–1910; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1
Levy, Henry; Henry Levy and Family and the Independence Hotel; Southern California; 20/3
Levy, Hyman; Hyman Levy Recalls, with a Tremor in His Voice, the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake-Fire; San Francisco; Linda M. Drogin; 27/3
Levy, Isaac O.; Isaac O. Levy of Los Angeles: A Picture Story; Los Angeles; 14/3
Levy, J. Leonard; A Rabbi Says “No”; Northern California; J. Leonard Levy; 5/4
Levy, Jacob, Alexander Levy, and Samuel Levy; The Levy Brothers: Chiropodists, San Francisco and Aurora, California or Nevada; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1
Levy, Jacob, Alexander Levy, and Samuel Levy; The Levy Brothers: Early San Francisco Chiropodists: A Picture Story; San Francisco; 13/4
Levy, Jesse M.; Jesse M. Levy of San Jose and the Bay Area; Northern California; Barbara Klein; 22/4
Levy, Julius, and Susan Levy; Julius and Susan Levy: Virginia City, Nevada and San Francisco, California; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1
Levy, Leopold; The Trail Years: A Memoir, 1921–1967; British Columbia; Leopold Levy; 37/3&4
Levy, Mark R.; Mark R. Levy, aka Robert A. Rodson, Great-Grandpa Was a Citizen Spy, Los Angeles, 1911–1918; Los Angeles; Michael Stinore; 33/4
Levy, Moses A.; In Search of the History of the Texas Patriot Moses A. Levy, Part I; Texas; Daniel Leeson; 21/4
Levy, Moses A.; In Search of the History of the Texas Patriot Moses A. Levy, Part II; Texas; Daniel Leeson; 22/1
Levy, Moses; Moses Levy: A Real Jewish Cowboy of the Western San Joaquin Valley, 1837–1933; Northern California; Norton B. Stern; 41/4
Levy, Rube; Rube Levy: A San Francisco Shoe Cutter and the Origin of Professional Baseball in California, Part I; San Francisco; Joel S. Franks; 25/1
Levy, Rube; Rube Levy: A San Francisco Shoe Cutter and the Origin of Professional Baseball in California, Part II; San Francisco; Joel S. Franks; 25/2
Levy, Samuel Wolf; Samuel Wolf Levy: Major Friend of Children and Leading Citizen of the 70s San Francisco, California, 1830–1916; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1
Levy, Simon; A Weekend Shepard, 1875; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Levy, Susan; Six Pioneer Women of San Francisco; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 30/2
Levy, Susan; Susan Levy, Corrine S. Koshland, Mary Goldsmith Prag, Amelia Dannenberg and Carolyn Anspacher: Five Pioneer Jewish Women of San Francisco; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 35/3&4
Levy, William; A Jew Views Black Education: Texas; 1890; Texas; William Levy; 8/4
Lewin, Laurence A.; Picture Story Number Fifteen: Hillcrest Golf Tournament Winners, 1923; Los Angeles 7/1
Lewin, Louis; Louis Lewin and Family: Report of an Interview with Mr. Laurence A. Lewin, 840 S. Serrano Avenue, Los Angeles, California, November 10, 1966; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 41/3
Lewis, Oscar; The Phosphorescent Jewish Bride: San Francisco’s Famous Murder Case; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern and William M. Kramer; 13/1
Lewis, Selma Gruenberg; Selma Gruenberg Lewis: Scholar-at-Work, Letter; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1
Lewis, Selma Gruenberg; Selma Gruenberg Lewis and Selma, California: A City Named After Her; Northern California; Norton B. Stern; 18/1, 35/3&4
Lewis, Tillie; Tillie Lewis: California’s Agricultural Industrialist; Northern California; Reva Clar; 16/1
Lichenstein, Hymie; The Mighty Atom: The Life and Career of Hymie Lichenstein; Los Angeles; John Hanners; 42/1
Lichtenstein, Goldye; Girls’ Sports Editor, Anaheim, 1937; Southern California; 44/3&4
Lichtenstein, Moses H.; Moses H. Lichtenstein: Adventurous and Economically Mobile Pioneer Western Jew of San Francisco and Nevada, 1829–1907; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1
Liebes, Herman; The Liebes Company: Importers and Manufacturers of Fur Products, San Francisco, California, and Alaska; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1
Lilienthal, Albert; From Ocean to Ocean in 1878; Western States; Albert Lilienthal; 14/3
Lilienthal, Ernest; Ernest Lilienthal Remembers the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake-Fire; San Francisco; F. Gordon O’Neill; 27/3
Lilienthal, Max; Our Brethren in the West: A Trip to San Francisco; San Francisco; Max Lilienthal; 46/4
Lilienthal Family; Lilienthal Family Pact; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern and William M. Kramer; 7/3
Lincoln, Abraham; Abraham Lincoln’s Jewish Mourners, San Francisco, California, 1865; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1
Lincoln, Abraham; Mourning Observance for Abraham Lincoln by the B’nai B’rith Lodge of Marysville, California; Northern California; 1/4
Lincoln, Abraham; Obsequies for Lincoln in Marysville, California; Northern California; 24/1
Lincoln, Abraham; “They Have Killed Our Man But Not Our Cause”: The California Jewish Mourners of Abraham Lincoln; San Francisco; William M. Kramer; 2/4
Lindbergh, Charles; Anthony Greenberg and Charles Lindbergh Together in an Hawaiian Cemetery; Hawaii; David Bittner; 44/1
Lissner, Henry H.; Henry H. Lissner, M.D.: Los Angeles Physician; Los Angeles; Laurence J. Stuppy; 8/3
Lissner, Meyer; Picture Story Number Ten: Theodore Roosevelt and Meyer Lissner, Los Angeles, 1915; Los Angeles; 5/4
Littmann, Max; Jewish Heroes of the Indian Wars; Midwest; Norton Stern; 41/4
Littmann, Max; Max Littmann: Immigrant Soldier in the Wagon Box Fight; Wyoming; Jerry Keenan; 6/2
Livingston, David; David Livingston: Family Dry Goods Merchant, San Francisco and San Bernardino, California; San Francisco and Southern California; Norton B. Stern; 41/1
Loeb, Leon; Leon Loeb and Family: Report of an Interview with Mr. Interview with Mr. Joseph P. Loeb, 450 N. Rossmore, Los Angeles, California, October 29, 1968; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 41/3
Loeb, Leopold; Leopold Loeb and Family: Report of an Interview with Edwin J. Loeb, 11743 El Cerro Lane, North Hollywood, California, January 25, 1967; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 41/3
Loeb, Leopold; Leopold Loeb: In the Name of the People of France; Los Angeles; 41/3
Lopez, Moses; Moses Loez Naturalized; USA; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Louis, Henry W. D.; Brownstein-Louis Company: Report of an Interview with Mr. and Mrs. Julian Cole, 10321 Rochester Avenue, Los Angeles, California, March 10, 1968; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 41/3
Louis, Isidor; Isidor Louis: Shoemaker to Capitalist in San Diego; Southern California; Florence Maio and Henry Schwartz; 17/4
Louisson, Morris; Morris Louisson: A Jewish Pioneer of Hawaii, 1824–1902; Hawaii; Norton B. Stern; 41/4
Lowenberg, Simon; The Groom Thought Better of the Wedding; San Francisco; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Lowenthal, William, and Helen Sinsheimer Lowenthal; William Lowenthal, 1883–1966, Helen Sinsheimer Lowenthal, 1884–1961: San Francisco and San Luis Obispo, California; San Francisco and Southern California; Norton B. Stern; 41/1
Lubin, David; David Lubin: A Remarkable Jew; Northern California; Gotthard Deutsch; 14/4
Lubin, David; David Lubin Picture Story; Northern California; 8/3
Lubin, David; Harris Weinstock and David Lubin: Weinstock, Lubin, and Company, Sacramento; Northern California; Norton B. Stern; 41/4
Lubin, David; How to Aid the Jewish Farmers of Palestine, 1890; Northern California; David Lubin; 17/3
Lubin, David; A Letter on Zionism; Northern California; David Lubin; 5/2
Lukin Family; The Lukin Family, Including Relationships with the Hertzbergs: Pioneers of Tempe, Arizona; Arizona; Edward Herzberg; 31/1
Lummis, Charles F.; Charles F. Lummis and the Newmarks; Los Angeles; Dudley Gordon; 7/1, 38/3&4
Lurch, Isaac; Death & Burial of a Gold Rush Pioneer, 1859; Northern California; 14/2
Lyons, Henry A.; Justice Henry A. Lyons: First Jew to Serve on the California Supreme Court, San Francisco, California, 1809–1872; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/1