Indexed by last name
A – B C -D E – F G – H I – J K L M
N – O P – Q – R S T – U – V W – X – Y – Z
Example: 23/3 = Vol. 23, No. 3
MacAdams, Rhea Epstein; Jewish Talkie Film Heroine Dies in Placerville; Northern California; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Mack, Solomon J., Julius J. Mack, and Adolph Mack; The Mack Brothers: Merchants and Philanthropists, San Francisco, Visalia, and Port Hueneme, California; Northern California; Norton B. Stern; 41/2
Magnes, David, and Sophie Mages; David and Sophie Magnes: “Fancy Goods and Corsets,” San Francisco, California; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/2
Magnes, Judah L.; Judah L. Magnes of Oakland: Errors and Omissions in His Life Story; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 17/4
Magnes, Judah L.; San Francisco Jewry Following the Earthquake-Fire, 1906; San Francisco; Judah L. Magnes and Lee K. Frankel; 27/3
Magnin, Cyril; Cyril Magnin: San Francisco Earthquake-Fire, 1906; San Francisco; Reva Clar and William M. Kramer; 27/3
Magnin, Edgar F.; The Life of Edgar Magnin, Part I; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Magnin, Edgar; Los Angeles Rabbi Edgar Magnin’s 1906 San Francisco Earthquake-Fire Memories; San Francisco; William M. Kramer and Reva Clar; 27/3
Magnin, Edgar F.; The Los Angeles Times Noted Rabbi Magnin’s Arrival; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Magnin, Edgar F.; Magnin Regarding Colleges; San Francisco; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Magnin, Edgar F.; Rabbi Edgar F. Magnin: Summary of an Interview at Wilshire Boulevard Temple, Los Angeles, California, February 18, 1966; Los Angeles; Norton Stern and Benjamin Efron; 41/3
Magnin, Edgar F; Rabbi Edgar F. Magnin and the Modernization of Los Angeles Jewry, Part I; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer and Reva Clar; 19/3
Magnin, Edgar F.; Rabbi Edgar Magnin and the Modernizing of Los Angeles Jewry, Part II; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer and Reva Clar; 19/4
Magnin, Edgar F.; Rabbi Edgar F. Magnin in Stockton (1914–1915): Rehearsal for Los Angeles; Northern California; William M. Kramer and Reva Clar; 17/2
Magnin, Edgar F.; Rabbi Magnin Answers; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Magnin, Edgar F.; The Youth of Edgar Magnin, Part II; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Magnin, Edgar F., Young Magnin, Part III; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Maidenberg, Harry F.; An 1890s Arrival in Los Angeles from the Ukraine; Los Angeles; Harry F. Maidenberg; 24/1
Maidenberg, Harry F.; Harry F. Maidenberg: Report of an Interview at 950 South Mansfield, Los Angeles, California, January 19, 1967; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 41/3
Maier, Bernhard; A Benson, Arizona Merchant, 1901; Arizona; 23/1
Maimon, Sam; “The Beauty of Sephardic Life”: Personal Reflections of Seattle’s Sam Maimon; Washington; William M. Kramer; 29/1
Mannasse, August; The Oldest Firm in Berkeley: Mannasse-Block Tanning Company, a Picture Story; Northern California; 9/4
Mannasse, Hannah, and Celita Mannasse; Hannah Solomon Jacobs, Victoria Jacobs, Hannah Mannasse, and Celia Mannasse of Old San Diego; Southern California; Audrey R. Karsh; 35/3&4
Mannasse, Heyman; Heyman Mannasse: An Arizona and San Diego Saga; Arizona and Southern California; Audrey R. Karsh; 13/1
Mannasse, J. S.; The 19th Century Credit Vise: How Tight Money Squeezed J. S. Mannasse and Marcus Schiller, San Diego, California, 1854–1897; Southern California; Donald H. Harrison; 40/1
Marcus, Isidor; Isidor Marcus: Report of an Interview with Mrs. Isidor Marcus, 1203 Emory, San Jose, California, November 27, 1966; Northern California; Norton B. Stern; 41/4
Marcus, Jacob Rader; Jacob Rader Marcus: In Memoriam; Ohio; Stanley F. Chyet; 29/3
Marcus, Josie; Wyatt and Josie Earp: Fact, Fiction and Myth; San Francisco; Brian Dervin Dillon and David Erin Dillon; 48/1
Marks, Anna; The Anna Marks Quilt: Text and Introduction; Utah; 35/3&4
Marks, Anna; Anna Rich Marks: “The Intrepid Anna Marks,” Eureka City, Nevada, and Salt Lake City, Utah, 1847–1912; Utah; Norton B. Stern; 41/4
Marks; Anna; “The Intrepid Anna Marks”: Eureka City, Nevada, and Salt Lake City, 1847–1912; Nevada and Utah; Norton Stern; 41/4
Marks, Anna; Six Pioneer Women of San Francisco; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 30/2
Marks, Anna; The Unsinkable Anna Marks; Utah; Hynda Rudd; 10/3
Marks, Barnett E.; Arizona Visit to Phoenix, Miami and Tucson, 1919; Arizona; Barnett E Marks.; 15/3
Marks, Bernhard; Bernhard Marks: Founder of the Raison Industry, Fresno, California, 1832–1913; Northern California; Norton B. Stern; 41/4
Marks, Bernhard; Bernhard Marks: Retailer, Miner, Educator and Land Developer; Northern California; Irena Penzik Narell; 8/1
Marks, Caspar; Caspar Marks: Getting Rich Down Under; San Francisco; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Marks, Emil; Emil Marks: Eyewitness to History: A Picture Story; Arizona; 24/4
Marks Brothers; The Marks Brothers of Los Angeles: A Picture Story; Los Angeles; 11/4
Marriott, Frederick; A Gentile Editor on San Francisco Jewry in 1887; San Francisco; Frederick Marriott; 23/2
Marshall, Bob; Bob Marshall: Wilderness Advocate; Northwest; David A. Bernstein; 13/1
Martin, John Morris; Martin, Who Was Once Martinez; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 28/3
Marx, Bertha; A Southern California Engagement, 1887; Southern California; 21/2
May, Mayer; Mayer May: Pioneer Portland Rabbi; Oregon; Norton B. Stern and William M. Kramer; 21/2
Maymudes, Abe; Abe Maymudes: Memories of a Teacher and a San Fernando Valley Chicken Farmer in the 1940s; Los Angeles; Abe Maymudes; 44/1
McCohen, Gabriel; California Forty-Niner with an Unlikely Name; Northern California; 21/3
Mears, Otto; The Ballad of Otto Mears; Colorado; James G. Schneider; 50/2
Mears, Otto; “The Joker in the Republican Deck”: The Political Career of Otto Mears, 1881–1889; Colorado; Michael Kaplan; 7/4, 49/2&3
Mears, Otto; Otto Mears: Colorado’s Jewish “Big Little Man”; Colorado; Michael Kaplan; 4/3, 49/2&3
Mears, Otto; Otto Mears: Russian Jew Who Built Southwest Empire and Fought Indians, Dead at 91; Colorado; 25/4
Meckler, Brenda Weisberg; Brenda Weisberg Meckler; Arizona; Beryl S. Morton; 26/1
Meir, Golda; Golda Meir House, Denver Colorado: 1998 Update; Colorado; Gladys Sturman; 31/1
Meir, Golda; Restoration of the Golda Meir House by the Auraria Foundation, Denver, Colorado, 1989; Colorado; Larry Ambrose; 30/4
Mendelson, Louis; Louis Mendelson: Baja California Statesman; Mexico; Donald Chaput; 19/2
Mendelson, Max; The Mendelson House in San Juan Capistrano, California, 1874–1933; Southern California; Gladys Sturman; 34/3, 44/3&4
Mendelson, Morris A.; Two Orange County Pioneer Families: Mendelson and Davis; Southern California; 44/3&4
Menuhin, Yehudi; Young Yehudi Menuhin: An Unauthorized Biography of San Francisco’s Child Prodigy; San Francisco; William M. Kramer; 28/1
Menuhin, Yehudi; Three Jewish Violinists and California: Jascha Heifetz, Yehudi Menuhin, Isaac Stern; San Francisco; Judith M. Taylor; 38/1
Mesmer, Joseph; Some of My Los Angeles Jewish Neighbors; Los Angeles; Joseph Mesmer; 7/3
Messing, Aron J.; Orthodox Rabbi and a Reforming Congregation in Nineteenth Century San Francisco; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 15/3
Messing, Aron J; Rabbi Aron J. Messing: San Francisco, Oroville, California, Nevada, and Oregon; Western States; Norton B. Stern; 41/2
Messing, Aron J.; Rabbi Aron Messing: Too Orthodox for Sherith Israel, San Francisco, California; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/2
Messing, Aron J.; A Rabbi’s Survey of His Nineteenth Century Career in the West; San Francisco; Aron J. Messing; 22/2
Meyberg, Max; Max Meyberg, 1850–1934: Creator of La Fiesta de Los Angeles; Los Angeles; Gladys Sturman; 36/3
Meyberg, Max; The Meybergs and the Newmarks: Report of an Interview with Mrs. Marco Newmark, 10717 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, May 8, 1967; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 41/3
Meyer, Charles; Charles Meyer: Polish Fundraiser for the West, San Francisco, California; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/2
Meyer, Daniel; Daniel Meyer: San Francisco Banker; San Francisco; David F. & Mary R. Hoexter; 12/3
Meyer, Daniel; Daniel Meyer: The Bank of Daniel Meyer, San Francisco, California, 1824–1911; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/2
Meyer, Estelle, and Herman Meyer; Life with Mama and Papa: Estelle and Herman Meyer of Galveston; Texas; Marguerite Meyer Marks; 17/3, 35/3&4
Meyer, Eugene; Eugene Meyer: San Francisco and Los Angeles, California; San Francisco and Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 41/2
Meyer, Eugene; My Early Years; Los Angeles; Eugene Meyer; edited by Norton B. Stern; 5/2
Meyer, Harry; I Remember the Earthquake of 1906; San Francisco; Harry Meyer; 5/3, 27/3
Meyer, Leo; Leo Meyer: Oklahoma Settler and Politician; Oklahoma; John R. Lovett; 26/1
Meyer, Martin A.; Martin A. Meyer: His Life and Its Lessons, Part I; San Francisco; Daniel J. Moskovitz; 26/3
Meyer, Martin A.; Martin A. Meyer: His Life and Its Lessons, Part II; San Francisco; Daniel J. Moskovitz; 26/4
Meyer, Mathias, and Jeanette Meyer; Mathias and Jeanette Meyer: San Francisco, California and Oregon; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/2
Meyer, Maximillian Edward; Weighing the Wealth: Maximilian Edward Meyer, Pioneer Assayer, 1839–1920; Montana: Linda Lee Holmes; 50/2
Meyer, Mendel; Mendel Meyer Saves Baby While Santa Monica is Born, 1875; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Meyer, Mendel; The Story of an Unusual Ordinary Man: Mendel Meyer of Los Angeles and Santa Monica; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer and Norton B. Stern; 16/2
Meyer, Rosalie; Day in Santa Monica, 1884; Los Angeles; Rosalie Meyer; 6/1
Meyer, Samuel; Samuel Meyer and Family: Report of an Interview with Miss Natalie Loewenthal, 157 North Gower, Los Angeles, California, October 31, 1966; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 41/3
Meyerholtz, Adelaide Ann; The Historic Cahen House, Anaheim; Southern California; 44/3&4
Meyerowitz, Isadore; Isadore Meyerowitz: Pioneer Explorer of California, Part I; Northern California; Rosaline Levenson; 28/1
Meyerowitz, Isadore; Isadore Meyerowitz: Pioneer Explorer of California, Conclusion; Northern California; Rosaline Levenson; 28/2
Meyers, Anna; Anna Meyers: Modern Fundraising Pioneer in the West, 1866–1927; Colorado; William M. Kramer and Norton B. Stern; 35/3&4
Michelson, Albert A.; Professor Albert A. Michelson: From the California Gold Country, Calaveras County, to the Nobel Prize for Physics, 1852–1931; Northern California; Norton B. Stern; 41/4
Michelson, Albert A.; Professor Albert A. Michelson: Nobel Prize Winner for Physics, 1907; Northern California; 44/3&4
Miles, Joseph; A Saving Soldier of San Francisco, 1900; San Francisco; 17/2
Mitchell, Edward D.; A Jewish Horatio Alger Story and a Heritage Backer; Los Angeles; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Moise, Columbus; Justice Columbus Moise of New Mexico; New Mexico; Norton B. Stern; 22/1
Monasch, David; David Monasch: Manufacturer and Cemetery Director, San Francisco, California, 1882–1953; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/2
Monsky, Henry; The Education of Henry Monsky: Omaha, Nebraska’s American Jewish Hero, 1890–1947; Nebraska; Oliver B. Pollak.; 38/2
Mooser, Abraham; Abraham Mooser: First Jewish Businessman of Santa Monica, California; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 1/3, 48/3&4
Mooser, Abraham; The Mooser Family: Report of an Interview with Mrs. Seymour (Carolyn) Wisekopf, 233-1/2 S. Elm Drive, Beverly Hills, California, October 30, 1967; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 41/3
Morris, Moritz, and Julius Morris; Moritz and Julius Morris: Early Jewish Pioneers, the Morris Vineyard and the Morris Adobe, Los Angeles, California; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 41/3
Morris, Wolf; Jews of Del Norte County; California: The Wolf Morris Family, Part I; Northern California; Arnold R. Pillings and Patricia L. Pillings; 21/2
Morris, Wolf; Jews of Del Norte County, California: The Wolf Morris Family, Part II; Northern California; Arnold R. Pillings and Patricia L. Pillings; 21/3
Morse, Salmi; The Strange Passion of Salmi Morse; San Francisco; William M. Kramer and Norton B. Stern; 16/4
Mosessohn, Zelda; Zelda Mosessohn is No More; Oregon; 26/3
Moss, Morris; Morris Moss: Fur Trader and Indian Agent, Western Canada; British Columbia; Norton B. Stern; 47/1
Moss, Morris; The Hermann Bornstein Family and Morris Moss; British Columbia; Cyril E. Leonoff; 42/4
Myer, Arthur H.; Arthur H. Myer: Jewish Scoutmaster; San Francisco; Barbara Klein; 21/3
Myers, Anna; A Woman Who Pioneered Modern Fundraising in the West; Colorado; William M. Kramer and Norton B. Stern; 19/4
Myers, Carmel; Carmel Myers: Early Jewish Movie Star, Los Angeles, California, 1900–1980; Los Angeles; Norton B. Stern; 41/3
Myers, Carmel; Film Industry Recollection; Los Angeles; Carmel Myers; 8/3
Myers, Isidore; Rabbi Isidore Myers: Founder of Zionism in San Francisco, California, 1856–1922; San Francisco; Norton B. Stern; 41/2