WSJH Journal Index #2
Index by Geographical Location of Articles
This is a secondary index. If the item can be located in the “Person” Index, it will not be on the “Location” Index.
General Location; Article Title; Author; Volume/Issue*
* Example: 21/4 = Vol. 21, No. 4
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California – General
Anti-Jewish Sentiment in California, 1855; 31/2&3
Books Tumble but Temple “OK” in 1992 Eureka Quake; Garth Wolkoff; 27/3
California and Palestine in 1917; Marvin M. Lowenthal; 10/2
California Earthquake Theology; William M. Kramer; 27/3
California Jewish History: Source Materials, 1986; William M. Kramer and Norton B. Stern; 36/4
California Jewry and the Mendel Beiliss Affair, 1911–1913; Gerald S. Henig; 11/3
California Jewry, 80 Years Ago; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
California Reactions to the Leo Frank Case; Daniel K. Oxman; 10/3
California’s Hebrews, 1887; 4/4
Californians Help Morocco Brethren, 1860; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
A Collection of California Cards: A Gallery Story; 6/2
A Collection of California Jewish Homes: A Gallery Story; 6/1
Early Jewish Defense League, Circa 1902; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
Early Newspaper Reports of Jewish Pioneers in California’s Central San Joaquin Central Valley (Newspaper Clippings 1851–1900); 47/3&4
A Guide to California Jewish History, Part I; William M. Kramer and Norton B. Stern; 24/4
A Guide to California Jewish History, Part II; William M. Kramer and Norton B. Stern; 25/4
“The Hebrew” Reviewed; William M. Kramer; 42/2&3
The Historical Recovery of the Pioneer Sephardic Jewish of California; Norton B. Stern and William M. Kramer; 8/1
Introduction (My Shtetele California); David W. Epstein; 42/2&3
Jewish Farmers in California: A 1958 Update from the American Farmer; Jacob M. Maze; 45/4
Jewish Lawyers of California in the Early Twentieth Century; edited by J. C. Bates; 39/4
Jewish Spiritual Theology; William M. Kramer; 27/3
Jewish Sports Notables of California at Turn of Century; Norton B. Stern; 41/2
Jews and Chinese in America; Rudolf Glanz; 38/2
Jews in Sports in California, 1904; Archie Rice; 14/1
Jews on the California Supreme Court; Stanley Mosk; 26/1
Judaism and Intermarriage: A Discussion in 19th Century California, 1857–1859; Dana Evan Kaplan; 31/4
Letters about the Jews of California, 1855–1858; Daniel Levy; 3/2
Our Pioneer Heritage; Norton B. Stern; 26/4
An Overview of Jewish Farmers in California, 1959; Jacob M. Maze; 44/2
Pioneers in Social Service: The Jewish Committee for Personal Service in State Institutions in the 1920’s; Freda Mongerman; 6/2
Selected Acquisitions, Western Jewish History Center and the Jewish Community Library; 6/3
Sixty Years of Earthquake Memories; Harris Newmark; 27/3
To the Ladies: A Gallery Story; 6/4
Tree Art in Western Jewish Cemeteries; William M. Kramer; 2/2
Turnverein: A German Experience for Western Jewry; Norton B. Stern and William M. Kramer; 16/3
Visitor’s Report on Los Angeles and San Francisco, 1937; Max C. Currick; 13/1
White Star Blossoms of a Race: Hebrew Friends in California, 1850–1930; Ella Sterling Mighels; 33/2
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