Charter Members of the United Hebrew Benevolent Society of Helena, Montana

The United Hebrew Benevolent Society of Helena, Montana

The United Hebrew Benevolent Society of Helena, Montana, was founded in 1866.

Its first President was Moses Morris. The Charter Members were:

B. Alexander * William J. Auerbach * Adolph Birkenfeld * I. Bohm *A. E. Davis * Jacob Feldberg * Fernando Gans * Herman Gans * Morris Goldberg * Isaac Greenhood * Jack Herman * Henry Klein * Max Koleaker * Sam Levine * Bernard Loeb * Jacob Loeb * Emil Lowenberg * Isaac C. Marks * Leopold Marks * Benjamin Pizer * Sol Poznanski * Abram Sands * Morris Sands * Samuel Schwab * Julius Silverman * Morris Silverman * Ed Zimmerman

Preamble of Constitution & By-Laws

Deeply impressed with the conviction that ours is pre-eminently a religion of charity and benevolence, and in order to promote and disseminate these cardinal principles, and in the absence of a congregational organization to act unitedly and harmoniously in all matters connected with religious worship and ceremonials, and in all other matters concerning or tending to advance our moral and religious welfare; We hereby constitute and organize ourselves an association to be known as the ” United Hebrew Benevolent Association,” of Helena, Montana, and for our government adopt the following Constitution and By-Laws, pledging ourselves to a cheerful obedience of and compliance with all regulations that may be adopted from time to time by this organization on the subjects set forth in this Preamble.



Samantha Silver is curator for this United Hebrew Benevolent Society exhibit.