Samuel Schwab & Edward Zimmerman
Values Codes I – E – L
Samuel Schwab was born in 1836 in Rimpar, Bavaria

Samuel Schwab of Montana
Around 1853, Schwab came to the United States.
He rode the first stagecoach from Salt Lake City, Utah to Helena, Montana.
Edward Zimmerman was born in 1836 in Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany.
In 1855, he headed for California’s mining towns.
Then, he traveled to Caribou, British Columbia, Portland, Oregon, Walla Walla, Washington, and Blackfoot City, Montana.
Helena, Montana
Samuel Schwab and Edward Zimmerman opened the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Helena, Montana.
In 1883, they expanded the hotel, creating the first four-story building in town.
Both Schwab and Zimmerman were charter members of the United Hebrew Benevolent Association.
Samuel Schwab married Theckla Feigenbaum (1858-1879).
His sister, Ernestina (1845-1894), married Edward Zimmerman.
Samuel Schwab died in Helena in 1910.
He is buried at the Home of Peace Cemetery, next to his wife, Theckla, who died in 1879.
Edward Zimmerman died in 1918.
He is buried in the Home of Peace Cemetery in Helena, Montana next to his wife, Ernestina, who died in 1894.
- Julie L. Coleman, Golden Opportunities: A Biographical History of Montana’s Jewish Communities (Helena, MT: SkyHouse Publishers, 1994).
- Michael A. Leeson, History of Montana, 1739-1885 (Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co. 1885).
- Moses Morris papers, 1894-1932, Montana Historical Society Research Center – Archives and Photographs Archives.
- Montana Women’s History,
Samantha Silver is curator for this Samuel Schwab & Edward Zimmerman exhibit.
Thank you to Andreas Schwab, second cousin, thrice removed of Samuel and Ernestine.